Tuesday, April 21, 2009

summer is brutally teasing us.

this weather- summer time weather. ahhh.
you hate it so much but by the time fall and winter come, you miss it.
i, for one, do complain about the heat but at the same time i love it.
well, maybe not so much during the day. but around 6-8, when the sun is setting and it's warm and there's a breeze... it's beautiful. so corny, but i don't know how else to explain it!! haha!
anyways, spring break.

TUESDAY: Disneyland with fambam.
WEDS: Helped move aunt to LOMA LINDAH.
THURS: DPLAZA with bestfriend.
FRIDAY: biking w/ brother
SATURDAY: PARTAY, met some guys, hung out with friends,
SUNDAY: Last day, agh, sigh.

That's pretty much it.
I'm so confused with my heart right now,
but my mind is in the correct place.
This weather is so comforting.

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